
Karyn Levitt Wishes Eric Bentley a Very Happy Birthday

by Marilyn Lester

Every so often a perfect storm of artistic brilliance – if not to say, genius – presents itself to the world. In this instance, the perfect storm is the collaboration of Hanns Eisler and Bertolt Brecht with Eric Bentley and lyric soprano, Karyn Levitt.

The convergence of this mega-talent will be celebrated on December 7th at The Town Hall in a multi-faceted program entitled “Happy Birthday, Eric Bentley! A Centennial Tribute Concert,” honoring the Theatre Hall of Fame inductee, critic, poet, playwright, singer, actor, musician and translator – who turned 99 on September 14th. Levitt will sing selections from her upcoming CD, “Eric Bentley’s Brecht-Eisler Songbook,” as well as “Songs For Mother Courage” by Darius Milhaud and Eric Bentley, joining the likes of Tony Kushner, Austin Pendleton, Bill Coco and host, Michael Riedel in celebration.

Read the full article on Theaterpizzazz here.


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